Facility & Open Space Coaching
6 Sessions / 12 Week Program
1 on 1 coaching with your team.
Starting from scratch?
Don’t know how to establish a Recreation Asset Management Strategy?
Trying to avoid the mistakes others have made?
“Let our staff walk your team through every step so you are confident to proceed.”
2 Hour Sessions
Inventory Collection (Module #1)
Session #1 - Training
Collection of Assets (Facilities & Open Spaces)
Collection of Equipment Details
Session #2 - Review
Validate Process
Review Data Collection
Provide Additional Suggestions
Level of Service & Inspections (Module #2)
Session #1 - Training
Assess What Equipment Requires Inspections
Develop Inspection Routines
Session #2 - Review
Validate Process
Review Inspection Process & Determine LoS Goals
Provide Additional Suggestions
Lifecycle Planning (Module #3)
Session #1 - Training
Assess Risk and Historical Cost of Capital Assets
Develop 5 Year Investment Plan
Session #2 - Review
Validate Process
Review Investment Strategy
Provide Additional Suggestions
Sessions will occur every two weeks based on the availability of project team members.
Each module will build on top of the proceeding one.
RFAM will be the solution used to help establish your Recreation Asset Management Strategy.